
In recent months China has been introducing a temporary visa waver for travellers planning to visit China for up to 15 days. It is a great opportunity to get a first taste of China on a limited budget.

This post keeps an up-to-date list of the countries which can take advantage of the new policy.

15-days visa-free travel (updated 28/06/2024)

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • the Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Poland
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
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Which modes of transport are included in the new 15-day visa -policy?

Enter/exit is not limited to aviation - you can enter by train, boat or plane.

Can you enter multiple times using the 15-day visa-free policy?

Yes! There is no limitation on the number of stays during your journey. It is worth noting that traveling to Hong Kong or Macau is considered exiting Mainland China so if you include one of those destinations as part of your trip, you can "extend" the visa-free travel period.

Does the 15-day visa-free policy apply to children?

Yes, both children and adults can take advantage of the policy.

Is there an overall yearly time limit for your stays using 15-day visa free policy?

No, currently there is no limit of overall time spent in China.

For more of your questions answered, you can visit the FAQ site of the Chinese consulate:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Visa-free Policy to Citizens of Switzerland and Other Countries